The Kyrgyz carefully preserve their nomadic heritage. Only here you can see ancientrituals, traditional nomadic life, learn more about interesting traditions that are passed down from generation to generation.
Kyrgyz women will show you the process of hand-made felt carpets and tell you about their types, tell you what the ornaments depicted on them mean. If you wish, under theirstrict guidance, you can make a carpet yourself.
National horse nomad games are an important feature of the Kyrgyz culture. For example, ulaktartysh is an exciting game in which two teams of riders fight for the carcassof a goat, or kyz kumai is a dzhigit chasing a girl for her kiss. Any tourist can not only watch this fascinating show, but also take an active part in it.
Hunting with birds, especially falcons and eagles, is still practiced in certain regions of Kyrgyzstan. You have the opportunity to meet such a hunter during your tour.
A local craftsman will explain how the nomads' dwelling is arranged and give you a master classon how to build a yurt.
The national music show is a great chance to get closer to the Kyrgyz traditional culture and art. You will hear Kyrgyz songs and melodies and learn more about different Kyrgyzmusical instruments.