To get to the Ala-Archa national park is easy now

GoBus can now reach - the Ala-Archa State Natural Park. The Tourism Development Support Fund of the Kyrgyz Republic, GoBus and Kyrgyz Friends open a new direction on April 8. It will be available in twooptions - either a normal transfer on comfortable minibuses, or a full touraccompanied by a professional guide to Ak-Sai Falls through the famous stone "Broken Heart". The trip to GoBus will be accompanied by a storyabout the intricacies of the route and the main attractions of the reserve.

Those who want to look at the gorge of Ala-Archa witha new look or just go there for the first time, will certainly like a tripaccompanied by a professional guide, whose task is to provide tourists withsecurity and interesting pastime.

Buy a transfer to Ala-Archi and back or tour to Ak-SaiFalls through the GoBus mobile application. The cost of a trip to both sides800 soms, a full tour - 2500 soms.

Minibuses will depart from Tommi Mall on weekends at10.00. Back from Ala-Archi to Bishkek at 17.00.

Two new directions of GoBus are being prepared for opening:Issyk-Ata and Alamedin gorge. Tickets will also be sold through the mobile app,which can be downloaded via Google Play or App Store.

Reference: Tour to Ak-Sai Falls - one of the mostcommon routes and the easiest in Ala-Archa. The distance from the barrier tothe waterfall - 4 kilometers with a climb from 2200 to 2665 meters.


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